Pulleys are designed to transmit the pulling force required to start the belt movement.
Technical characteristics (dia, bearing type, lagging, shaft outlet no. are defined from the Customer's specific requirements.
1. Drive pulleys
Diameter, mm 400 to 1600
Belt width, mm 500 to 2000
Lagging: rubber-ceramic/glued rubber/ removable rubber
Bearing housing: molded/split
Shell: cylindrical/ barrel-shaped
2. Tension pulleys
Diameter, mm 350 to 1000
Belt width, mm 500 to 2000
Lagging: glued rubber/ removable rubber
Bearing housing: molded/split
Bearing assembly: external/internal
Shell: cylindrical/ barrel-shaped
3. Deflector pulleys
Diameter, mm 350 to 1000
Belt width, mm 500 to 2000
Lagging: glued rubber/ removable rubber
Bearing housing: molded/split
Bearing assembly: external/internal
Shell: cylindrical/ barrel-shaped
The company offers individual approach to every client to choose either domestic or imported pulleys.